I have found that there is pleasure in constant education. I am not about to head back to school any time soon, but there are so many amazing and free resources out there. I feel the most alive when I am learning something new all the time. I have been enjoying a few podcasts during my morning runs and walks in the park, and I just can’t keep them to myself a moment longer. These two all stars have been on the scene with a broad audience for quite some time, but if they’re new to you, it might be time to check them out! I am always amazed at the things I learn, from a huge array of topics and from a long list of experts.
Colleen Patrick-Goudreau (National speaker, Author of Joy of Vegan Baking, The 30 Day Vegan Challenge, and several other books)
Colleen has a passion for compassion and she has a gift with words. Her podcast Food for Thought is outstanding and genuinely thought provoking. She covers everything from her “Favorite food: beans” (And why they should be your favorites too) to strategies for effective communication. One of my favorites is titled “I only eat white meat: In defense of chickens.” Another great one is “From consumption to compassion, the stages we go through when we stop eating animals.”
You can listen on iTunes or Soundcloud. Just head to this page and you’ll be able to access all of the past episodes. Be sure to scroll down to the bottom as the greatest number of episodes are on Soundcloud and there’s an extensive list. They all vary in length, so you can find short ones if you don’t have much time. I guarantee you’ll find nuggets no matter what! Here’s her Facebook page if that’s more your speed.
Victoria Moran (Author of Main Street Vegan and almost a dozen books, Vegan lifestyle coach, Founder of Main Street Vegan Academy)
Victoria is another one of the most pleasant people to listen to. You can’t see her in the podcast of course, but I’ve seen her speak in person several times and I can tell you from personal experience: She looks and acts at least 20 years younger than she is. I am certainly not the only one that wants to hear what she has to say! She has raised her daughter Adair as a lifelong vegan and the two of them host a wonderful podcast on UnityFM Radio. Each episode is an hour long and you’ll hear Victoria and Adair starting out the show, and one or two fabulous guests are interviewed throughout the main course of the episode. I have barely scratched the surface, but I have recently enjoyed episodes featuring Rich Roll, a plant powered ultra-marathoner, Dr. Klaper and Dr. Alan Goldhamer of True North Health Center, Jill Nussinow “The Veggie Queen” and Wendy Siskin, vegan athletic trainer.
At this rate, there is so much interesting content that I might have to start running even more just to listen to all of the great podcasts I want to hear! Check them out and let me know what you think. What podcasts do you love? Leave a comment for others to benefit too.
I also listen to Jami Dulaney MD. She great! When I need a break from health podcasts I go to Here’s the Thing with Alec Baldwin
I’ll have to check her out!